Gap Year
Many people are considering taking a GAP year before or between studies, and the various vacancies for volunteer roles in Camphill offer unique possibilities for such an experience. The feedback from people that have taken a GAP year in Camphill is generally positive and sometimes life-changing, even if it can be intensive and tiring at times. Many students who are considering a career in this field are finding the experience extremely usefull in order to assess their own strenghts and weeknesses in this area and develop their skills and proffessional knowledge.
FSJ Vacancies - Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr im Ausland
In some countries there are recognised governement sponsered programmes such as FSJ or a "Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr" in Germany. In order to acces these programmes individuals will need to find a sponsoring partnership organisation, such as "Freunde der Erziehungskunst" in order to register. We will collaborate with such organisations,who also provide training, seminars and evaluations. If you wish to pursue this route people in our communities will advise you around different options or organisations available.
Some such organisations will charge a fee for these services!
Please note that you can also apply without such organisations should you wish,
however in the case of students who are dependants and whose families are claiming child benefit, it may not be possible to do so without a partnership organisation.
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